The Individuals Who Made The War The Second World War, as the most destructive conflict in modern history, is one of the most significant events of the past few centuries to understand. Instead of repeating dates of battles and events of the war, this workshop examines the important personages of the war and how they influenced it. Covering well known individuals as well as those who are more obscure but no less important, this presentation shows how the personalities of individuals influenced the most deadly war in all of human history both in its causes and how the conflict played out on the battlefield. These notes apply only if you purchase access to video: In the “Video” tab, click the down arrow to display the subtitle. Click “The Individuals Who Made The War” to display the video screen. Press play in the video window when you are ready to view the video. To indicate you have purchased this video workshop, press the “Complete” button at the bottom of the screen. We suggest you mark this “Complete” before you watch the video. Once you have marked “Complete,” you will see the word “Completed” at the top of the left sidebar, and you will see a message at the bottom of this screen that notes “The program is over. You can still view your steps.” These messages indicate you have purchased this video workshop; you may view the workshop at your convenience. Return anytime to this screen and skip forward or repeat portions of the video (no time expiration for video).
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